Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We are working on a special little publication we are calling "Field Notes". Check it out:

Update: Blurb has added Field Notes to it's "Staff Pick" section.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Hibernation

Two months after losing key funding, Teton Artlab will close its gallery in downtown Jackson on December 19th. For more info about this, go here. Please Note: We aren't dissolving the Teton Artlab and will post more information about future plans soon.

While the economy continues to crumble, we will take a break and look to resume programming in Summer 2009 at a soon to be disclosed location. Times are tough, but this project has been a bright spot for many and remains dedicated to assisting contemporary artists with their work and careers.

Ok, enough bad news. Wish we had a video of this from our last opening, but you get the idea. We had a great time in that shithole.